I teach instructional workshops on many topics, some of which are Getting Creative with Bird Photography, Intro to Bird Photography, and Shorebird Photography. Currently, the workshops are done virtually due to the pandemic. If you are affiliated with a camera club, festival, or any other organization, please reach out! My email is cgd1@williams.edu


Participant Testimonials:

“I have received many positive comments on Cameron’s knowledge of bird photography and the technical expertise in his final composition of the images. His presentation was well -prepared and presented in a professional manner. People were surprised over this because of his age. His presentation was very clear and presented in a way that everyone could understand. Cameron shared his setups and equipment that he used during his time in the field. Many club members loved how he captured backlight on his birds and waiting for the perfect time to take his photos. We had over 50 people from many clubs in our area attending and I continue to receive daily positive feedback. I highly recommend contacting Cameron Darnell to share his knowledge of Bird Photography with your club in the future. It will be worth the time spent watching it.”

-John Livoti, PSA Arizona Chapter President, Past President of Sun Lakes Camera Club and Arizona Camera Club Council, PSA Southwest Area Membership Director

“We have had a terrific turnout for the workshops. Our members are asking for more classes with Cameron as the presenter. Cameron is a very exceptional photographer and is just as efficient at being a presenter.
He is very organized, and his presentations have a very professional flow. We had many, and I mean many, positive comments about Cameron and not one complaint. People could not believe he is only 19. These comments are what encouraged us to schedule more workshops with him.
I hope other clubs and Councils hire Cameron to do presentations. Photographers benefit from his knowledge.”

-Kathy Wall, Twin Cities Area Council of Camera Clubs

“I had the absolute pleasure of attending Cameron’s presentation at this past year’s Bosque Del Apache virtual workshop. Before the workshop, I had heard of Cameron but was still not prepared at how inspiring, talented and unique he is. He has the skill, not often seen in more “mature” photographers, of being an excellent teacher and well organized in his thoughts allowing a flow of information. While listening to him, it becomes clear why his work is just plain gorgeous. I urge you to take advantage of the opportunity to have him visit your club virtually or, hopefully, one day, in person.”

-Deb Cohen, Bosque del Apache NWR Cranes Fiesta